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Booking terms, conditions an privacy terms in the Youth Hostels of Cantabria

Privacy and data protection policy

On the following link you can check the privacy and data protection policy which, along with the cookies policy , supplements the Legal Notice of this website, owned by the Department for Youth of the Government of Cantabria.

Payment terms and Cancellations

Article 19.2 Law 9/1992, 18 December on Public Fees and Prices states : "the previous deposit of the total or partial amount of the public prices may be required".

According to this Law, when formalizing your booking you will be allowed a deadline to pay thedeposit (30% of the total price or the total amount of the booking), if you fail to do so in the stated deadline you will lose your booking.

After the payment, you should send us the proof of payment of the deposit by any of the following means:
• e-mail to
• Personally in the Youth Information Coordinating Centre.( Valliciergo 8, ground floor. 39010 Santander. Cosult timetables first).

1. Payments can be made through the Virtual Office of the Office for Economic Affairs and Finance (046 Form):

2. The proofs of payment will be given to the person in charge of the hostel on arrival.

3. Form of payment and booking deadlines:
3.1 For bookings made more than 15 days in advance:
The applicant entity or person has a 5 day deadline since the booking confirmation to pay the DEPOSIT, which amounts to 30% of the total price of the booking. Once such deadline is expired your booking will be cancelled.
The payment of the remaining 70% of the total price of the booking should be made 15 days prior to the date of arrival at the hostel.

3.2 For bookings made 15 days or less in advance:
The applicant entity or person should ENTIRELY pay the booking at the time of formalisation. In the event that the payment is not made at the time the booking will be cancelled the following day.
In both cases the full payment of the booking, through the 046 Form, should be made before entering the hostel. The payment of the booking is not allowed in the Hostel itself, except for hostellers coming to the hostel without a prior booking.

3.3 Without prior booking:
Staying at the hostel will not be permitted without having made a prior web reservation.

4. The number of vacancies booked should really correspond with the number of occupants. The person in charge of the hostel may refuse admission of groups when the number of people coming to the hostel is superior to that of vacancies booked and its capacity will not enable it, leaving no room for complaint for this reason.
In any case, the Head of Youth and Development Co-operation may have the vacancies unoccupied available.

5. The liquidation of the booking will be done according to the current price at the time of the full payment.

6. Modification of the number of vacancies contracted:
6.1 Increase in the number of vacancies initially contracted:
If the booking were already paid, a new booking should be made and 100% of the total price of it should be paid. In any case, The applications of increase in the number of vacancies is conditioned by the availability of vacancies in the hostel.

6.2 Reduction of vacancies:
Up to 15% of the vacancies initially booked may be cancelled without penalty, provided that it is requested more than 15 days prior to the date of arrival. In any case, the amount of the deposit initially paid should not be altered after cancelling the vacancies.

7. As for the refund of payments made, article 20 Law 9/1992, 18th December on Tariffs an Public Prices shall apply : Refund "when for reasons not attributable to the person under the obligation to pay the price the exclusive use or special exploitation of the public domain does not take place, the activity is not done or the service is not provided, the corresponding".

Terms of entering the hostel

It is compulsory to show the youth hostel card on arrival at the hostel (individual or group card).
The applicant or the person in charge of the group are fully and exclusively responsible for making the accurate statement of the number of people to occupy the room irrespective of the age, when making the booking. The Youth Hostel Management may refuse the admission of those people not included in such statement, leaving no room for complaint for this reason.
In any case, the person in charge of the group should hand over a nominal list ,including ID card, of all the users to the person in charge of the hostel on arrival.
In the event that any of them were under age, the person in charge shall state in writing the authorisation from the father, mother or guardian.

Eating rules

The youth hostels which provide with catering service offer a single schedule for all the hostellers who have contracted this service. Nevertheless, youth hostellers may request that, for justified reasons and well in advance, the service is provided outside the youth hostel or when the kitchen is closed.

The daily eating rules of the stay in the hostel shall adapt to the services contracted, except that, for medical prescription with documentary justification, it is necessary to modify such eating rules, provided that the limitations of the hostel facilities may allow it.(for instance, people with coeliac conditions suffering from allergies, etc.)

For the hostel to be able to provide this special maintenance service based on medical prescriptions, the applicant or the contracting entity should inform, in writing, the person in charge of the hostel at least 10 days prior to the provision of maintenance service and hand over the copy of the supporting documentation of the medical prescription to the person in charge of the hostel on arrival.

In terms of personal options such as weight loss diets, religious beliefs, vegetarians, weightlifters, etc… such request of special menus shall be sent by the entity or applicant, always in writing, at the time of making the booking, without the obligation of modifying the general eating rules of the hostel based on the possible shortage of means of the facilities to attend such requests and the possibility of contracting self catering accommodation.

In the event that the maintenance service has been contracted, it will be the same for the whole booking, except that for reasons of medical prescription with documentary justification, it is necessary to modify such eating rules, provided that the facilities of the hostel can provide them.

Alto Campoo Youth Hostel

By its location, given the climate conditions of the area, the road access to the Alto Campoo youth hostel may be affected, as a result of which solely and exclusively for the bookings made by the children schools the payment of 100% of the deposit is authorised the previous day to the arrival of the group , so to speak, the eve of the entrance to the hostel. Additionally, in this hostel and exclusively for bookings made by the children schools, the change of date for lack of access to the region of Alto Campoo will be allowed.


The use of this website and of all the webpages included, implies the agreement on the terms and conditions included in them, which are subject to any change that, occasionally, the Head of Youth wish to make.
In the event that you do not agree with any of the terms or conditions, you should desist entering this website or any of the webpages included. To have the right to stay in the hostels which appeared in this website, it is necessary to be member of a national youth hostels association authorised by IYHF ( be in possession of the Youth Hostel Card or obtain it on arrival at the hostel booked.

Booking and Cancellation Terms and Conditions

All the customers should agree on the booking and cancellation terms and conditions prior to making the booking. It is a contract between you and the Head of Youth of Cantabria.

Force majeure
The Head of Youth will take no responsibility of the failure to comply with the booking in a hostel due to unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances, despite the greatest care from the IYHF. These situations may include, but are not limited to, acts of war, threats of war, civil conflicts or shock, hostilities, strikes or other labour conflicts, natural disasters, fires, fortuitous facts, terrorist acts, technical failures affecting means of transport, closure of airports, ports and /or ferries, quarantine, epidemics, climate conditions, government action or any other situations beyond the control of IYHF.

Disclaimer of warranties and Limitation of Liability
This website is provided by the Head of Youth of Cantabria “the way it is” and “depending on its availability”. You explicitly agree that you use this Website on your own responsibility. To the maximum extent permitted by the law to be applied, we renounce to the granting of any express or implied warranty with regard to the functioning of such website or to the information, content, material or hostels included in the website.

The Head of Youth of Cantabria accepts no liability for such issues not being complete, accurate, reliable, current or not having errors. The Head of Youth of Cantabria does not warrant the absence of viruses or other harmful components in this Website , in the related servers or in the messages sent by email from any service operating on behalf of

The Head of Youth of Cantabria shall not be liable for the damages resulting from the use of this Website. You make use of the hypertext links to other internet resources on your own responsibility. The products, services, information and material obtained through this Website are provided and maintained by the respective suppliers of these products,services ,information and material and are subject to the terms, conditions and warranties offered by such suppliers.


The Youth Hostels of the Head of Youth of Cantabria are members of the International Hostelling. International Hostelling, the organisations and associations affiliated operate a program of quality guarantee for the hostels, based on internationally agreed quality rules and, therefore, they take any complaint received very seriously.
If you have any cause for complaint during your stay and you fail to solve the problem addressing to the person in charge of the hostel, or if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your booking process or with the services provided by it, please let us know by post or email, making use of the contact details provided in this website and we will do our best to find a solution promptly and with absolute confidentiality.

Directive, Modifications and Exclusions

We reserve the right to modify this Website, the directives and the current Terms of Use and Legal Notices at any time. Therefore, it is under your responsibility to visit regularly to see the recent changes made.
In the event that any of the current terms, conditions or notices were invalid, null and void or unenforceable for any reason, such term, condition or notice will be excluded. The validity and enforceability of the rest of the terms , conditions and notices shall not be affected by such exclusion.

Privacy Policy

The Head of Youth is aware that it is important for you how they handle your personal data. For this reason, they are committed to maintaining your privacy.
The information about you collected by the Head of Youth will only be legally used in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, Organic Law 15/1999, 13th December. You can check that the personal data held by the Head of Youth are correct by contacting them. In the event that you find any error, the Head of Youth will immediately proceed to eliminate or correct it.
Under no circumstances should the Head of Youth collect confidential data about you without you explicit consent. With the exception of the booking process, should it be need, the Head of Youth shall always seek your consent prior to transferring your data to third countries or prior to contacting you by email on issues nothing to do with your travel arrangements and accommodation.

The Head of Youth will not provide third countries with your data.

Notices on copyright and trademarks Copyright© Head of the Youth of the Government of Cantabria. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of these websites and of the screens in which they appear, as well as the information and the material contained and the format are owned by the Head of Youth of the Government of Cantabria. You may not distribute, modify, transport or frame any text, graphic, video, sound, computer code, user interface design or logo, except:*Print or download extracts from the material contained in this Website for personal use, or * Copy the material contained in this Website with the aim of sending it to private third parties for their personal information, provided that you acknowledge the Head of Youth as the source of such material and inform these third parties that the current terms, conditions and notices also apply to them and that they should abide by them.